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Shelley Klingerman & Michele Rigby Assad: Security

Michele Rigby Assad and Shelley Klingerman are experts. Shelley is more focused on females and security. Michele uses her time with the CIA to create knowledge about how to remain safe, but also how to navigate human interaction.

A recent viral video featured a young lady who chose to scream at someone in a parking lot as a means of self defense. This video prompted Pete A Turner to reach out to both Shelley and Michele to discuss approaches.

Beyond the basic topic of safety, interactions and tactics, the group plans to discuss collection and influence in a variety of settings. Both Michele and Shelley have appeared multiple times on the Break It Down Show.

Episode #31 – The Spotlight on Speaking Show

I first met Shelley Klingerman at a local networking event a few years ago and she subsequently sought out input from me on how to best leverage her book.

Tune in now and get Shelley Klingerman’s thoughts on:

  • Her speaking journey and what led her to get into public speaking in the first place
  • Shelley Klingerman’s golden keys to success as a speaker
  • A few mistakes she made along the way that she encourages aspiring, as well as active public speakers, to avoid
  • What Shelley is doing now, and where listeners should they go if they want to get into her world
  • And much, much more!

Situational Awareness and Self-Protection Expert Has Message for Women: Be Informed and Vigilant About Your Safety

Shelley Klingerman has overdue and empowering news for women all across the U.S., particularly college students: Never again do they have to feel helpless and scared when they see or hear a news story about violence perpetrated on others like them in shocking ways that reverberate throughout the cultural consciousness.

The founder of Stiletto Agency, Klingerman equips women with the situational awareness and warrior mindset to avoid being victimized. As a speaker, trainer and author, she unpacks the emotional, mental and physical preparation critical to dissuading predators, and offers self-defense strategies to fend them off should they attack.

amy lore stiletto agency

Vigilance on the road

Vigilance is everything.

When you are traveling for work, mind in a million meetings and exhausted from driving and plane hopping, it’s more important than ever.

My friend, Shelley Klingerman, literally wrote the book on Vigilance. I’m glad she did. Her guidance has kept me safe more than once, but most recently, it was like I could hear her in my head pointing out red flags.

There was a shark in the water, and as she says, they bump before they bite. Thanks to her training I was watching.

Realities: Set and respect boundary conditions

In Vigilance, Shelley Klingerman, takes a serious tone to setting boundaries whether on travel or in the professional workplace:

“Generally, women are kind and approachable. However, there are certainly situations where it’s better not to engage in a conversation or completely avoid someone. And there are situations where you might just have to be a bitch. Don’t feel bad or guilty about it…”

The herald republican shelley klingerman


Shelley Klingerman doesn’t want women not to be nice, but they need to make sure they are not vulnerable in this world.

Klingerman was the guest speaker at the second annual Women’s Week Luncheon, which was held at Sutton’s Deli 160 Event Center on Friday.

Klingerman is the founder and operator of Stiletto Agency.

“Women are hardwired to be nice.” said Klingerman, “but it does not mean we need to be vulnerable.”

Crosssover event: Shelley Klingerman: Project never Broken

Shelley Klingerman joined Jesse and Jason to discuss the loss of her Detective brother to a senseless ambush, starting Project Never Broken to help those dealing with loss & grief, women’s safety issues, and tons more. Shelley also discusses attending citizen training to get a glimpse into the policing world from responding to threats to dealing with individuals with mental health problems.

When Women Travel The World Alone

“I have traveled the world, mostly alone, and I have one piece of advice for women: Go! Being a woman alone no doubt elicits dangers, and I have experienced them firsthand. I have been followed, harassed, grabbed, spat on, threatened and mugged by groups of men. These experiences were scary and, yes, could have been far worse. But the most beautiful parts of the world are also ours alone to experience.”

Shelley Klingerman: Vigilance

Julie spoke with Executive Director of Launch Terre Haute, Shelley Klingerman, about her new book Vigilance and more! 

Local author launches book and is mentioned in The New York Times

TERRE HAUTE, Ind. (WTHI)- Shelly Klingerman launched her first book titled Vigilance: The Savvy Woman’s Guide to Personal Safety, Self-Protection Measures, and Countermeasures.

The New York Times mentioned Klingerman’s book last week. Klingerman is the executive director of Launch Terre Haute– A place to help freelancers and entrepreneurs launch their business. She is a mother to three kids. She says her children were the inspiration for the book.


Vigilance, Safer Travel for Women – Shelley Kilngerman is the author of Vigilance. Her book assembles the expertise of police, warriors, even the BTK killer on how women can stay safe when traveling abroad. Shelley and Pete A. Turner talk at a high level on how culture, good posture, and situational awareness skills help keep anyone safe while traveling. The tactics Shelley discusses keeps her busy with clients from Fortune 50 to small services companies with employees that travel for work.


Vigilance is important, especially to women traveling. And there are predators in today’s society looking for an easy target, something Shelley Klingerman of Terre Haute hopes to teach women in her new book, “Vigilance. The Savvy Woman’s Guide to Personal Safety, Self-Protection Measures, and Countermeasures.” “There is nothing that requires someone to go arm themselves or go put themselves in a position that requires a lot of training, these are really common things sense things that just need to be reminded,” Klingerman said of the book. Simple things like adjusting where you walk in a parking lot or even how you walk from place to place.

Powerful Women Studied These 49 Books In Detail

They saw the glass ceiling and without even giving it a second thought smashed it to smithereens. They got to the top of the field wielding unparalleled influence few women could have dreamt possible just little less than a century ago. Make no mistake, these women are what is colloquially known as “Boss B*tches” and they sure are not be underestimated in their capacities. The heights of success they achieved make them the envy of many, not only women but men also.

Women turn to Navy SEAL-style 'vigilance'

A sampling of recent news headlines confirms the worst fears of many women as they go about living each day and occasionally travel. “Woman attacked at popular park in broad daylight.” “Woman injured in shooting after man tries to break into car.” “American kidnapped on safari in Uganda and held for $500,000.” Shelley Klingerman, the author of “Vigilance: The Savvy Woman’s Guide to Personal Safety, Self-Protection Measures, and Countermeasures,” told WND she understands why some women don’t want even to think about the topic. And she’s not deterred by some people who think her estimation of the need to “prepare, prevent and protect” is an overreaction.

The Denise Simon Experience with Guests Shelly Klingerman

Podcast hosted by Denise Simon, the Senior Research / Intelligence Analyst for Foreign and Domestic Policy for numerous flag officers and intelligence organizations. Joined by Guest Shelly Klingerman. 

Shelley Klingerman - Vigilance, Safer Travel for Women

Vigilance, Safer Travel for Women – Shelley Kilngerman is the author of Vigilance. Her book assembles the expertise of police, warriors, even the BTK killer on how women can stay safe when traveling abroad. Shelley and Pete A. Turner talk at a high level on how culture, good posture, and situational awareness skills help keep anyone safe while traveling. The tactics Shelley discusses keeps her busy with clients from Fortune 50 to small services companies with employees that travel for work.


Photo of Successful Women Made Here.

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The Break it down show with guest shelley klingerman

Shelley Klingerman joins the Break It Down Show hosted by Pete Turner, along with guest Spencer Coursen, to discuss how to be prepared for any situation through implementing preventative personal safety strategies.

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The Break it down show co-hosted by shelley klingerman

Shelley Klingerman joins the Break It Down Show hosted by Pete Turner, to talk with Michael Julian about what to do if you’re in an active shooter situation and how to prepare yourself.