Back to School: How to Stay Safe on Campus

Colleges across the United States are getting ready to welcome students back to campus for the fall semester, however, do you know how to keep yourself safe on campus? It’s more than just carrying pepper spray or using the buddy system, there are several key strategies you can utilize to keep yourself safe this school year. Dorm Room Safety When you’re at school, your dorm is your home away from home. This is where most of your valuables will be…

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Savvy Strategies for Staying Safe While Traveling

When you’re traveling, especially alone as a woman, there are strategies you can implement to help you stay safe. Regardless of where you go, whether you’re staying stateside or going abroad, there are always possible dangers and predators looking to take advantage of an unsuspecting tourist. Remembering to stay vigilant can help to save your life. Here are a few savvy strategies you can practice when traveling to stay vigilant about your personal safety. Do Your Research First and foremost,…

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Beware the “Magic Move”

Written by Cynthia Jolicoeur Rood, Personal Safety and Self Defense Coach & Speaker There are SO many blog posts and YouTube videos about the “Self-Defense Moves Every Woman Needs to Know.” But is it true that if you just learn some moves you will magically be protected? That you’ll be fully equipped to keep yourself safe? Unfortunately not. It would be awesome if it were true, but the reality is that the “magic moves” that are being promoted are usually…

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Body Cues That Say: “You Don’t Want to Mess With Me”

Body language is universal. Many of us use it every day when talking with friends or during a meeting at work, often without even realizing it. But did you know that you can also use your body language as a way to keep yourself safe? When it comes to your personal safety, there are several body cues that you can send to potential predators that will let them know that they don’t want to mess with you. Here are just…

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Ready or Not, Here They Come

Written by Jon Cross, Founder & Chief Security Consultant, Black Ops Tactical Consulting You did it! The years of assisting with endless projects and homework has come to an end. The blood has returned to your hands after the numerous white-knuckled rides as your new driver learned the rules of the road. Boyfriends, girlfriends, and other social events has filled the cup when it comes to the teen drama from the past four years of high school. Now you can…

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Plan Your Escape Route

The reality of being a woman means you need to be alert whenever you’re out alone. Being aware of your surroundings can prevent you from being in dangerous situations. Whenever you go somewhere, you should get in the habit of noticing exits. Preparedness is key to safety. Begin Scanning Regularly When you enter a new place, make it a point to scan the area around you. Look to your left and right whenever you leave your car or enter a…

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We Have Thoughts and Feelings About It, So Let’s Talk About It

Written by Kelsey Cook, Assistant to the President & Project Manager at Hathaway Strategies Take a minute to think about an average day in your life – how many times do you unlock and lock your home, office, and car doors? How often do you do a double-take as someone gives off a “weird vibe” when you’re walking down the street? How often are you aware of your surroundings for the sole purpose of having an emergency plan? My answer…

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The Enemies of Situational Awareness

Written by Scott Stewart, Vice President of Intelligence at TorchStone Global As those of you who have been read Shelley’s book understand, situational awareness is simply paying attention to what is happening in the environment around you in an effort to identify and avoid potential threats and dangerous situations. As such, situational awareness is really more of a mindset than it is a highly refined skill. It is not some secret, sophisticated art that only elite government-trained people can practice;…

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What is the Warrior Mindset?

It can be so easy to fall into the trap of thinking that nothing wrong could ever happen to us. A false sense of security that bad things only happen to other people. But what happens when it does happen to you? Are you going to be prepared to do what you have to do to protect yourself? As women, we are often taught early on that the best way to keep ourselves safe is to avoid potentially dangerous situations….

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How Your Body Language Can Protect You

Original article posted at It seems like becoming a victim of a violent crime is a random occurrence or just bad luck, but science tells us otherwise. Studies have shown that perpetrators actually gauge a victim’s potential by reading their body language and nonverbal cues prior to deciding whether or not to attack them in many cases. Predators want an attack to be as easy as possible so they carefully select victims that they perceive as weak, submissive, lacking…

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